Have you seen the movie "Date Night"? There's a scene in which Tina Fey's character describes her ultimate fantasy. It involves a hotel room, a lunch, and a diet Sprite (I wonder how much Sprite paid for that mention?) All by herself, no interruptions. That one scene validated something I've been telling my husband for a couple of years now - I need a mom-cation. Not that I'm complaining about my life; life is pretty good. However, with every job, every role we take on, it's important to take a break once in a while. Catch our breath, recharge our batteries, gain some perspective. Just a tiny bit of time off from being "the mom."
We're not talking about months or weeks, here. Not even days, really. Just one day. One 24-hour period in which I'm not responsible for anyone's needs but my own. One day that I don't have to think about juice boxes or snacks or what's for dinner. One day in which getting in the car to go somewhere is not a half-hour process. One day without having to locate someone's slippers/ tractor/ thing with the yellow thing on it/ favourite t-shirt/ car keys/ insert random object here. And, on that note, one day without having to worry about someone inserting random objects into random places. I don't think it's too much to ask. Luckily, my husband agrees. Mostly because he recognizes that being the at-home parent is non-stop job in which you live at the office, but I suspect also in part because he wants to continue to be able to go on surf trips whenever the occasion arises.
So, this weekend, I'm doing it. I found an inexpensive B&B within walking distance to some good restaurants, a yoga studio and some quirky shops. I'm going to wander, and breathe, and follow my thoughts through to their natural completion. I'm going out with a girlfriend and having a conversation without distractions. I'm going to eat delicious food without having to cook or clean-up. I'm going to choose a restaurant based on what I want to eat, rather than what's on their kids menu. I'm going to read my book, do some yoga, take a guitar lesson and go to a movie. And sleep - oh, am I going to sleep. I may just take random naps around the city. In short, I'm going to do whatever the heck I want to do without having to account for anyone else. For two nights and one blissful day. I'm sure I'll miss my hubby & son far more than they miss me - they're looking forward to their first boys weekend ever. I've heard whispered plans of riding bikes, going swimming and playing video games. I have complete faith in their ability to survive two nights without me.
Signs you may need a mom- (or dad-) cation:
1. You've started to refer to yourself in the third person as "Momma" or "Poppa," and not only to your kid(s).
2. You suspect that "no" has become the primary word in your vocabulary.
3. Family vacations have begun to feel like business trips, because you're doing the same job, just in a different setting.
4. You catch yourself referring to the bathroom as "the potty" to anyone over 5 or 6 years of age.
5. Someone asks you what you want, and you draw a blank because it's been a long time since that felt relevant.
If you see yourself in any of the above statements, you may be in need of a mom-cation. Be it a week, a day or an afternoon, make sure you take some time out for yourself. And if you see me napping anywhere around the city this weekend, please take a napkin, wipe the drool from my chin, and just let me be.
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